Role of Experts in Resolving Delay Disputes

Construction is one of the busiest businesses of UAE, due to its rising popularity in the world. The world recognized organizations are trying to set up their business in Dubai in order to increase their profits. This, in turn, impacts the construction business.

Construction is a long term work, managed by three to four parties. Completion of any project without a few issues is almost inevitable. However, the disputes lead to delays which cause loss to the involved parties. The involved parties try to recover their loss from each other, which worsens the situation and need the guidance of experts for the resolution of the matter.

Role of Experts in Resolving Delay Disputes

The construction companies, as well as landowners, are actively consulting delay experts to resolve their disputes and ensure the timely completion of their projects. This article will highlight the role of experts in handling delay disputes.

Top 4 ways experts can help you solve delay disputes

Delays in the completion of construction projects cause significant stress to landowners, as well as contractors. It impacts the investments and construction cost of the projects. Moreover, it leads to a blame game between the involved parties to avoid the responsibility of the loss.

All of these factors require the help of an expert which can highlight the issues and resolve the dispute. Mentioned below are some of the ways experts follow to resolve any construction delay dispute.

Assessment of Bids and Initial Agreements

Experts deal with everything quite professionally. They do not rely on the words of mouth and make the decision by analyzing the claims of involved parties. They follow a proper plan and the very first thing in that is making the assessments of initial terms and conditions.

Experts explore the bids made by the involved parties, as well as their initial agreements and tally them with the provided explanation.

Analysis of Project Site

To have a clear idea of the project’s progress, experts never hesitate to visit the project site. They analyze the quality of the work done, as well as tally it with the developed plan. They also make a detailed report about the stages of project completion.

Another remarkable feature is that experts analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the project, keeping in view the challenges caused to it.

Evaluation of the Work Progress

Evaluation of the work progress is a great responsibility of the experts. They evaluate all the conditions and factors that can impact the progress of the work. They also keep a record of the claims made by different parties and the extent of their fulfillment.

The experts also highlight how the progress of work would have been in the absence of delaying factors, to shed light on the importance of the issue.

Identification of Delay Responsibility

Lastly, the experts prepare a detailed report of projects conversion from paper to reality. They highlight, as well as justify the role of each party in causing the delay. They also provide their opinion about the delays which were inevitable and which would be controlled.

Experts held the responsible parties accountable for their role and actions and devise the strategies to make them pay for their actions.

Concerned about handling your delay disputes?

There is no better option than relying on experts. You will waste your time and effort by trying to solve the issue on your own. So, acquire the services of and present a clear picture of the issue, without worrying about your role in it. You will be able to get a smooth plan of resolving the issue, as well as minimizing your loss by trusting them.